Friday, April 07, 2006

The More I Seek You

We’ve been doing a new worship song the past few months titled “The More I Seek You” by Zach Neese. Here are the lyrics:

The More I Seek You
by Zach Neese

The more I seek You
The more I find You
The more I find You
The more I love You

I wanna sit at Your feet
Drink from the cup in Your hand
Lay back against You and breathe
Feel Your heartbeat
This love is so deep
it's more than I can stand
I melt in Your peace
It's overwhelming.

This song stirs something deep within me. I think it’s the passion and intimacy communicated through the lyrics. When I hear the words I envision a romantic encounter between the Bridegroom and His bride.

I met with a few local pastors earlier today. I had the privilege of leading them in worship and we did this song. As we sang I sensed the Lord offering each of us His cup. Would we accept the cup from his hands and drink? It seemed to me that the cup represented what he had called each of us to do.

I told the guys that there were two ways we could view this cup. The first was as a noble knight standing before our King in his court, as an expression of honor and a commissioning into our next assignment.

The second is very different. It’s the cup pictured here in Zach Neese’s song. It’s the cup from the hand of the Bridegroom extended to his beloved bride, a cup of his passionate and extravagant love.

Both pictures move me. To be commissioned by my King or romanced by the Lover of my soul. However, I’ve discovered that love will take me where duty and honor alone fails me. When I consider the condition of the world and the state of the church I’m convinced that we need to experientially know the extraordinary love God has for us. I believe that if we can grasp even a glimpse of how wide, long high and deep Christ’s love is for us, that it will stir up faith within us. Faith based upon love, a secure and confident faith born of love. That kind of faith will go anywhere and do anything because we love the object of our affections and we’re secure in the knowledge of his love for us.

Love really is greater than anything. It’s greater than any vision, mission, strategy or plan we might have. Personally, I find great freedom in love. The world is desperate for love and the purity and freedom found in it. May we not only drink of this love but share it with everyone we encounter.

Do yourself a favor, take a moment now, listen to this song, feel the passionate love of God for you and drink…

© Tom Zawacki 2006

The More I Seek You ©1999 CFN Music All rights reserved. International copyright secured.CCLI song #4447991

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