Friday, October 26, 2007


Ethos: the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or institution (Merriam-Webster online dictionary)

Somewhere over the past year, amid the myriad volumes that surround me, I stumbled upon the word “Ethos” and I liked it.

For me, ethos flows more naturally than “Vision Statement”, Mission Statement” or “Statement of Purpose”. I could be wrong and you may disagree but stating my personal Ethos feels more organic than the vision or mission statements I have labored over in the past.

Identified and articulated or not, we each have a personal ethos and like it or not it’s impacting our decisions and modifying our journeys. Not only that… our personal ethos will impact any group or institution we influence, be it family, corporations or congregations. I have pastored The Bridge for seven years and it’s obvious that my ethos has, in large part, influenced the ethos of the church.

I hope to better articulate my personal ethos as I become more self aware. Until that day, these four distinguishing characteristics will suffice.

Exploring the fullness of freedom we have in Christ

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free” (Galatians 5:1) I want to live completely free and help others to do the same.

For God, one another & life

When describing what is most important Jesus told us to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength and the second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:30). To me this sounds like an “all you've got” kind of love, now that’s passionate! I want to be a man who loves God and people passionately..

Living supernatural lives in the power of the Holy Spirit

I’m not content to live an intellectual academic faith. I want to experience God.

Fulfilling our purposes & reaching our God given destinies

We were created for a reason, I want to fulfill mine and do all I can to help others fulfill theirs.

What’s your ethos?

© Tom Zawacki 2007


  1. is it ok to just say "ditto"??

    Great post Tom! You really do embody all four of those. Seven years? Really? It hardly seems possible...

  2. I knew we were married for a reason we have the same ethos! Great post honey and so well said.

  3. I love that you can state your Ethos so simply. I need to condense mine :>)

  4. To restore the Passion in Freedom.

    To bring freedom to those who don't know they are missing it.

    To live the life I was born to live.
