Thursday, June 01, 2006


As I was channel surfing the other day I paused on the History Channel, they were broadcasting a documentary titled “World’s Deadliest Snipers”. One particular comment caught my attention. They mentioned that the three primary targets of a sniper are:

1. Command
2. Communications
3. Weapons

The sniper’s objective being the removal of leadership, our ability to communicate and our ability to fight back. Sounds like an excellent description of the spiritual warfare I’ve encountered as I pastor the church.

Our enemy the devil hides in the shadows waiting to take a shot that will create the greatest amount of damage. In Mark 14:27 Jesus quotes Zechariah 13:7

“…strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered”

If you can take out the leadership it will create damage throughout the ranks. This reminds me, we need to pray for our leaders; those on the job, in our church, local government officials and our national leaders. More than once as a leader of a local congregation I have felt like there was a bulls-eye on my back.

I’ve watch this attack take place both vertically and horizontally, our communication with God, prayer and our ability to communicate with one another. It is amazing how quickly things can go wrong without communication. As pastor I have often played the role a mediator. More often than not the issue is one of poor communications

Our ability to go on the offensive spiritually, to be able to do those things we were created to do, to faithfully serve our post or to fulfill our role and function in the body.

Father, turn the lights on; expose the hiding place of the spiritual snipers in our lives. Undo, frustrate and confuse the schemes of the enemy.

Lord protect our leaders, give them your heart for the people under their care. Give them your mind to know your ways and the courage to lead us in your ways.

Lord, I ask for an increase in both vertical and horizontal communications. I ask for clarity, compassion and understanding. And finally Lord I ask that we would be well equip. That we would have the weapons needed to remove our strongholds, amen.

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds” 2 Corinthians 10:4

Copyright © Tom Zawacki 2006

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